Please take a moment to view the Pages (listed on the right) dedicated to the animals we so effortlessly take advantage of and treat like items.

Help Save Barack
At the Ringling's breeding and training grounds a baby elephant named Barack was infected with Edndotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) at only a year old.  This infection is believed to have been caused due to the stress of his situation, and often kills babies.  Luckly the curious and energetic young elephant survived, but will be soon torn away from his mother and forced to go through violent training sessions. Before this beautiful animal is tied up, slammed to the ground, electrically shocked, and gouged with a bullhook speak on his behalf. 

Barrack preforming (Click picture for source)

Click this link and take a min to send peta2's pre-written letter to Secretary Vilsack of the USDA.