Please take a moment to view the Pages (listed on the right) dedicated to the animals we so effortlessly take advantage of and treat like items.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Mothers Instinct

We share this earth with millions of amazing species, all with different qualities and unique abilities. The beauty these incredible animals can show us is astonishing, but humans being the "superior beings" take advantage and cause unnecessary pain and suffering for so many living things on this planet.

The outcome of being forced out of their natural habitat.
I watched a video last night about a mother deer attacking an innocent dog because she saw him as a threat to her baby. The person filming and many comments on the video displayed no sympathy for the deer. Generally if a human mother feels her child is in danger she will do ANYTHING to protect them. People were implying that she deserved to be shot and she should go back to where she belongs. Deer are gentle animals that show amazing grace and beauty. Their homes are being destroyed due to our societies need to expand, forcing her to respond to any situation as threat.

We need to devote the resources used on unnecessary expansion for things that really matter. We need to focus on developing plans that end poverty and preserve the natural beauty of our planet. Humanity is so worried about technology and evolution that we forget to respect the earth and all its inhabitants.


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