Please take a moment to view the Pages (listed on the right) dedicated to the animals we so effortlessly take advantage of and treat like items.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stop Guilt Tripping and Show Them the Truth!

When trying to get the information about animal cruelty out to my friends and family I’ve come across phrases like “I don’t want to hear about that” or “I’ve heard this a thousand times”. I’ve realized that people need to naturally WANT to help. They can’t be guilt tripped into donating money or changing their lifestyle. People are happy with an “Out of sight, out of mind” way of life and when confronted with such a negative topic they often feel attacked. If someone is trying to defend their past choices, there going to hesitant to change there future ones.

I want to show people the beauty in creatures we so effortlessly take advantage of. I want people to realize that the animals we often pass off as “items” are actually amazing and unique. Thousands of people are passionate about living a healthy, cruelty-free lifestyle, but for hundreds of years society has accepted that we are superior to animals, therefore, we can do as we please with them. I’m not interested in turning everyone vegan or asking for money. I just want people to realize that there are more humane ways to keep the lifestyle we are comfortable with but also show the animals the respect they deserve.

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