Please take a moment to view the Pages (listed on the right) dedicated to the animals we so effortlessly take advantage of and treat like items.

Ways To Make A Difference

Not dedicated enough to participate in protests but still want to help?

Don’t have the funds to donate money?

No time to attend fundraisers?

Just want to help as much as possible?

It’s easier then you think to help stop animal cruelty.

As much as donations and fundraisers help, life is busy. I personally found it hard to get involved because the city I lived in didn’t have much to offer. Have you every heard the saying “It’s the little things that count”? There is so many small ways to show your support without spending money and using precious time. I've gone ahead and searched a few websites for you and got these quick tips from

Post on Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter with “Lucy never forgets—will you?” and link to petas campaign to help free Lucy, the lone elephant at the Valley Zoo in Edmonton: 
Please urge Mayor Stephen Mandel and the Edmonton City Council to do whatever is necessary to get Lucy relocated to a sanctuary and to close the zoo's elephant exhibit permanently. Visit the link above to send a prewritten letter showing your support.
Try texting one of the elephant facts from and text it to your friends. Incorporate the fact into a question, such as “Did you know that elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror?” or “Did you know that elephants mourn the loss of their friends, family members, and other elephants they know?” Be sure to add, “Visit for more info