There was a huge tent with dozens of pretty colors in the parking lot of the local mall. I remember the excitement I had seeing the elephants and ponies giving rides outside the door. We went in and got cotton candy and delicious red candy apples. There were clowns running around and beautiful women hanging from the ceiling. What a grand place. The animals were doing amazing things, and i could tell there trainers really loved them.
When I got home the first thing I did was research and find out how I could be apart of this extravagant world. I always wanted to work with animals and this seemed like the perfect place for me. I went to several different websites for mainstream circuses and found phrases that described the perfect life for an animal such as "Healthy Environment" and " Groomed and Cleaned Daily". I needed to get involved in this glamorous life.
Then Google recommended a topic that changed my view from then on. The stories I found were unbelievable aftere the beauty I had just seen hours before. It wasn't possible that the people I was so fond of could harm such beautiful creatures. The pain and suffering these poor animals endured for human entertainment disguised me. I continued my search...
Not just circuses but dog and cock fighting, rodeos, zoos, racing, bullfighting, movies and television shows, aquariums, marine parks and bear-baiting are all ways humans find enjoyment from the torture of animals.
Not only would the millions of animals beign treated like objects and forced to live painful lives appreciate you taking some time to learn about these issues but also the thousands of people trying to make a difference.